Welcome! Introduce Yourself

Hello! I guess this is one of those obligatory threads on a forum, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be useful. We’re all new here, so it’s good to take some time to get to know each other a bit more. And I’ll start…

My name is Bryson, and I’m a married, about-to-be 34-year-old guy from Texas who works and plays in online tech. Most notably, my playtime has resulted in these forums being built. I started dabbling in programming around 2002 and simply couldn’t get enough of it. I’m self-taught, and haven’t stopped learning since then.

This all started with Inside The Star (or ITS for short), though it wasn’t called that in the beginning. It was CowboysNation.net - and a few other things since then. I started this on January 28, 2009, and today ITS is a thriving Cowboys blog with a staff of 5 writers and several contributors. The site, and this forum, are backed by @CowboysNation on Twitter and @InsideTheStar on Facebook.

I’m an avid Dallas Cowboys fan (obviously), and that started with the sight and sound of my neighborhood erupting as DAL won their first Super Bowl of the 90s. I was 7 and that struck me with absolute awe. I’ve never looked back. If I had a second team, it was only for a time. I was into Madden real heavy back then, and really liked the McNabb-led Philadelphia Eagles. Don’t @ me.

I’m also into racing, motorcycles, and love my music, TV, and movies. Oh, and I enjoy writing (can’t you tell? haha).

So, that’s me. I welcome any questions, about me or the site, so don’t hesitate. And please, take a minute to introduce yourself to your fellow forum users. Thanks!

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Howdy…My name is Tom and I go by winstar. I’m an old, grumpy, senile fart that retired a couple of years ago. Been a Cowboy fan since the inception of the team. Favorite player all time is Bob Lilly with Larry Allen being a close second. Played OL in school…extremely, extremely biased. (No I wasn’t that good, I thought I was NFL material but I was the only one on this planet that thought that). I believe in Faith, Family, Cowboys. Four Grandsons live a fair distance away making it hard to spoil and corrupt them. Love me some Cowboys and reading and interacting with other fans that love to talk Cowboys. I was a member of the Official Dallas Cowboy Fan Forum from 2008 until Jerral shut it down. I have been wandering since then joining every group or site that talks Cowboys. I’m absolutely thrilled that Bryson and his staff have opened this site to fill that void.


Hi all,so good to be back the site looks great it’s also good to see you all.


Hello my name is Bryan. A die hard DC fan from North Carolina. Work in the healthcare industry, married with 2 kids. Went to my first Cowboys game last year 2017. Best experience of my life. Will be back most definitely. Had my first taste of Texas bbq at SpringCreek bbq, loved it but if you have any other suggestions for great eating places suggestions are much appreciated.


Oh no, Spring Creek BBQ? Yeah, that’s not what I’d call Texas BBQ. Soulman’s BBQ is good, so is Smokey John’s on Gaston Ave in Dallas. Dickie’s is pretty good, and about the only one remotely near the stadium. Next time you come for a game, bring some Chargrill with you, I miss that place! Visited friends in Wake Forest a few times when I was younger, beautiful country out there, fun roads, and loved those late runs Chargrill.

Welcome to the forum, Bryan!

Hey bruh i didnt know lol it was my first visit lol. But good looking out, i’ll note those suggestions. The 'boys come to Charlotte this season so i may not be down this year but I will be there next year for sure.Yeah chargrill is good but ive heard you havent had good BBQ until you’ve had Texas BBQ. I love the place!

Yup, Texas got some good meats. Try those places though, should be better than Spring Creek (corp mess imo but good rolls). Prob cheaper too. Favorite BBQ is a little shack off Hwy 199 in Azle (north of Ft Worth about 20 min). But not sure it’s there anymore, also it is a shack, puts some people off haha

lol thanks man much appreciated. Shoot a shack doesnt bother me. I had some hawaiin bbq on the side of a mountain from a guy under a hut cooking in pit and barrell. And my plate was tree bark and he gave me two sticks to eat with. That was the best meal i had that week. If that didnt bother me im sure ill love a shack in Texas


Welcome Bryan, Hope you enjoy the new site. We are still hunting for other diehard fans to join us and get the traffic up. If you have any diehard fan friends tell em to give the site a look. Enjoy

Hi. I’m a mechanical engineering major at the great Texas A&M University. I also am minoring in statistics. I love the Cowboys, but am not ashamed to admit that my parents are from Wisconsin so I also have a love for the Packers. The other sport I pay attention to is baseball. I watch every Texas Rangers game. My hobby is playing tennis.

On another note. Sorry if I come off as knowing everything and being disrespectful of my “elders”. I’m kinda brash. I blame it on growing up in a family of 7.

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No Excuse…Your poofed…lol

Welcome Bryan

Howdy from Lubbock. I actually own another Cowboys msg board, but go bored today, so decided to give your site a look. I won’t list the site I own because of obvious reasons. I don’t want to be seen as fishing for members. Good to be here. I like the site.

HA! I knew the username was familiar. Went and looked at your name, we’ve talked before (years ago). You were the guy I worked with hosting that fire Jerry thing… Good to see you!

Well, maybe not fire Jerry, but Cowboys Fan Rebellion.

Wow, what a small world. It’s good to see you, too. FYI, I still want Jerry fired, but I let Cowboys Fan Rebellion die years ago. You may have seen my username around Cowboys Twitter, as well. @Iamtdg1 is my Twitter handle and the name is Cotton.

Yep. Sadly, lot of people want Jerry fired, but aren’t in it enough to support something like CFR. I don’t get on Twitter all that much. People should give you a follow tho → Iamtdg1

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Hi a lot of you know me already, but for those of you who don’t my name is Scott. I am a lifelong Cowboys and Canadiens fan, so you understand my suffering for more than 2 decades. My favorite players from the past (in chronological order) are Lilly, Bob Hayes, Cliff Harris, Randy White and Tony Romo. My current favorites are JW and Sean Lee. I wish I knew if Zeke was guilty of DA or not. He would also be on the list if I knew he was innocent. When I think about it the one thing the past players all had in common is THEY INTIMIDATED THE OTHER TEAM. It had been a long time since we had anyone that REALLY put fear into the other team before we got Elliott. I hope he stays out of trouble and reaches the heights I know he can reach.

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My name is Martin, live in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. Been a Boys fan for about 40 years, favourites over the years, Roger Staubach, Randy White, Michael Irvin, Tony Romo, Troy and on todays team Zeke and Irving.

Finally saw the team play in Minneapolis two years ago, was a thrill and a 13-7 win.


Welcome Martin. Any suggestions let us know…enjoy.