Please Read Before Posting

This community forum was created to fill the void left by the closure of the official forum. Its purpose is to provide a more structured outlet for fans to discuss the team and football, exchange ideas, and meet other fans.

Our intent is to keep this place as free from trolls, spam, and targeting as possible, and to accomplish that we have some rules and tools you need to be aware of.

Reporting Posts: If you find a discussion or comment that you feels violates the spirit of this forum (flaming, attacking, etc.), please use the Flag link near the bottom of the post to report it to the moderators. We will review it and determine its suitability for public display.

Here are some of the Forum Rules:

  • Keep your posts relevant to the forum category.
  • Please be respectful of others and don’t sweat the small stuff.
  • Please do not post any personal information or photos that you wouldn’t want to be seen by the public.
  • Do not post hateful or illegal content. Do not post copyrighted material without proper attribution.
  • SPAM will not be tolerated.
  • Use private messages to chat with moderators or other members in private.
  • In summary: be polite, enjoy yourself, and help us build a great community.

Please keep in mind that this is not a complete or exhaustive list of rules. To be honest, no one set of rules can properly manage an open forum, so we will use our best judgment to make decisions about content that positively drive engagement.

Aside from that, enjoy the forum.
